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JL Innovative Design : JLI-120
This large trackside warehouse fits any era. Includes both clapboard and scribed siding, over twenty Grandt Line doors and windows, plus crimped aluminum for the roof.
JL Innovative Design : JLI-140
Based on a 1950s vintage dealership/repair facility, a board-style fence is also included.
JL Innovative Design : JLI-190
JL Innovative Design : JLI-203
JL Innovative Design : JLI-210
A unique city tavern scene. Kit features Plastruct steps/railing, cast detail parts, plastic board fencing and 72 full-color soft drink/tavern signs.
JL Innovative Design : JLI-226
JL Innovative Design : JLI-240
Make busy city streets safer with these gate towers installed along your line. based on a Milwaukee Road prototype, the model can also be used as a switch tower.
JL Innovative Design : JLI-260
A perfect trackside structure, typical of smaller buildings found in yards and out along the right-of-way.
JL Innovative Design : JLI-290
Includes separate storage shed, precut basswood siding, laser-cut shingles, plastic doors, windows, steps and railings, plus illustrated instructions.
JL Innovative Design : JLI-310
This model represents a modernized station, with electric pumps and an enclosed garage. Each kit includes over 60 new full-color signs, a fence-base billboard, precut siding, Grandt Line windows...
JL Innovative Design : JLI-320
Wander along the back roads and you'll probably pass by an old filling station like this. A common sight from the 1920s to the 1950s, a few lasted into the 1970s. The Saw Pit Store is based on...
JL Innovative Design : JLI-325
JL Innovative Design : JLI-330
Add Character to your N Scale Layout A popular HO kit is now available in N Scale courtesy of the folks at JL Innovative Design. McSoreley's Old Ale House. This timeless structure can be used as...
JL Innovative Design : JLI-430
JL Innovative Design : JLI-450
JL Innovative Design : JLI-470
JL Innovative Design : JLI-520
JL Innovative Design : JLI-570
JL Innovative Design : JLI-607
JL Innovative Design : JLI-634
JL Innovative Design : JLI-635
JL Innovative Design : JLI-636
JL Innovative Design : JLI-637
JL Innovative Design : JLI-684
JL Innovative Design : JLI-685
JL Innovative Design : JLI-696
JL Innovative Design : JLI-697
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