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Silver Streak Zephyr Boxed Train Set (With Factory Fitted Interior Lighting)

Silver Streak Zephyr Boxed Train Set (With Factory Fitted Interior Lighting)




All aboard for a trip through time aboard the Burlington's famed Silver Streak Zephyr! The fun begins with a superb replica of the unique E5 diesel Silver Bullet #9909, built especially for the prototype, with truck skirts, a closed pilot (easily removed to add a Kato coupler for double-heading if desired) and fluted sides to match the sleek stainless steel cars. The set includes a complete Budd-built consist with Baggage/RPO #1600 Silver Sheen, Baggage Car #900 Silver Light, Coach #4703 Silver Gleam, Coach #4704 Silver Glow and Observation #300 Silver Spirit. Specially designed bookcase packaging holds the train with room for two more E5 locos, sold separately.

Fitted with factory lit carriages.